Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Told ya so

Read my last blog. McCain is the Democrat's worst opponent.
He will defeat any of the three front runners; he will not defeat
Richardson in Nov 08. Last time I checked there are 48 more
states and a Democratic Convention in August, 08. Stay tuned.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Only Richardson Can Win In Nov 08

Touting change is a red herring. Any Democrat will bring change. The
next economic and political battles will be waged on the world stage;
globalization is a reality and the next president must be ready to hit
the ground running on it. Only Governor Bill Richardson has this
kind of world and hands- on executive experience and the required
credentials; there is no time for OJT. Do we really need another Eva Peron?
Do we need a legislative short term ingenue? Do we need a light weight,
well groomed president? And any one of these three will lose in
November, 08 against a moderate Republican such as McCain.
Richardson received 40% of the New Mexico Republican vote; only he
will attract enough Republican and independent votes to win the
presidency. Hopefully early primary voters will put on their thinking
caps and realize they are not electing a Prom Queen or King.