Friday, June 4, 2010

To Feel Content, Just Take a Stand

To Feel Content, Just Take a Stand

By RealAge

Has something in the news gotten your ire up? Taking a stand on it could boost your quality of life.

New research shows that not just believing in a cause, but actively supporting it, tends to translate into a happier, more contented life.

Power Beyond the Pen
In a series of studies, researchers surveyed over 1,000 adults to find out if they considered themselves to be activists for any particular issue, from supporting antiwar politics to championing human rights. And the researchers found that the stronger a person's activism, the better that person felt -- as long as his or her activities weren't extreme. Specifically, the highly engaged activists reported experiencing more positive emotions, feeling more satisfied with their lives, and feeling more connected to others.
(Here's another get-happy strategy that will help you feel more satisfied every day.)

The Good in Do-Gooding
Investing yourself in issues that are important to you helps strengthen your sense of self and fosters personal feelings of purpose -- both of which can help get you through tough or stressful times. So whether you write letters to Congress or start a nonprofit, take an active stand on the things you believe in. And here are just a few more ways that doing good for others does your own life some major good:

RealAge Benefit:

Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

Published on 06/04/2010
Some benefits of being an activist: measuring activism and its role in psychological well-being. Malte, K., Kasser, T., Political Psychology 2009 Jul 24;30(5):755-777.