Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump; My take

Unpublished Letter To The Editor Miami Herald

Donald J. Trump is a godless sociopath without a super ego, without an ethical or moral compass,
incapable of self evaluation or feedback.  He has aligned with autocratic leadership around the world and in this country who share his pathological psychological profile, self serving and ruthless servants of their own egos and ambition. He has destroyed the physical infrastructure and the moral fabric and character  of ournation making us a global political and economic pariah to be avoided. He has become the champion of bigoted, tribal and gullible people who feel disenfranchised and who applaud his aberrant behavior as “sticking it to the man” on their behalf without realizing that they are pawns, tools  and victims of his  and his party’s  irrational economic and oligarchic objectives with absolutely no concern for their welfare or needs. It is a game of Charades where everyone, participants and spectators, is losing.

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