As published in the Miami Herald August 20, 2020
When Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giménez was a County Commissioner, he seemed to be a fair minded, somewhat objective politician. So, when, in 2011, he ran for mayor I supported him and campaigned for him, As we stood in U.S. 1 waving at cars I asked him, when he became mayor, to please give me some time to discuss environmental issues. It never happened. Instead, I saw first hand that his Regulatory and Economic Resources Department always gave FPL an easy road and never fully imposed or enforced meaningful and effective measures to curb FPL’s contamination, putrefaction and salinization of once pristine and bucolic Turkey Point as he hobnobbed with FPL executives.
As an administrator, he created an autocratic, top down government where many were afraid to speak out and turned off instead. By advocating small government, our services and infrastructure suffered; Miami has always been willing to tax itself for needed services if they understood the problem. He micromanaged our traffic and transit departments and the Smart Plan to a standstill undermining the several advisory committees to impose his own solutions. His marching order to his department heads, “development.” His staff’s answer to essential last mile connectivity for transit, “Let them take Uber”: not so easy for the 25% of our citizens living below the poverty line. And his insensitive reduction of library and police services reflected a disregard for the basic needs of our citizens and our community. His staff has disrupted the Coconut Grove Playhouse rebuild when he himself does not really care what happens to it.
So do we really need a visionless Philistine with a trademark Mussolini sneer and attitude to take his anti-environmental and insensitive small government philosophy to the U.S. Congress? Not with my vote
As published in the Miami Herald, November 22, 2019
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