Friday, March 26, 2010

Medical Marijuana

Pot is not alcohol. Alcohol metabolizes and leaves your body. Pot stays in the fatty tissue for days and continues to be released. Our workforce is limited enough in its functioning. Do we really need our workers and general population less alert, less able and more debilitated than it is. The insurance companies should be stepping up and challenging this stupid game; they will pay in work,traffic and home accidents by stoned and semi-stonned airheads. And, even worse how many will move beyond pot within the escapist culture and mentality it promotes. Medical marijuana should be just that. They must rein in the joke that has been made of it. Will this nation ever move beyond its sophomorish mentality?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gays In The Military

If men and women can serve together in the military with guidelines,
standards and rules for proper respect and behavior, why not gays?
Are we so immature and childish that we cannot conduct ourselves
in an acceptable way. If we cannot expect that of those serving in
the military, we must question the standards and competence of those
accepted for service. Most western nations have accepted gays for
years; why should we be different. Its time for us to grow up, in many ways and to stop being dragged down by the lowest common denominator.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Use of contractors as James Bond in Pakistan & Afghanistan

NY Times comment on report of contractors being used to gather
intelligence and possibly kill targets in Pakistan and Afghanistan
by the military. March 15, 2010

The CIA should have had a byline on this story. But, clearly, the
network described is attributable to the eight years of Cheney
and Rove at the helm of the totalitarian government they created.
Any tool, any resource, used in any way required to pursue their
private and personal agenda. Hopefully the roles and missions of
the various intelligence gathering agencies of the military and the
government can be coordinated and managed to good of our
nation. We cannot afford to have it otherwise, financially or
strategically. The rule of law and common sense must prevail.
Leave the Keystone Cops in Hollywood. Too much is at stake.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Decline and Fall of Ancient Israel: A Lesson For America?

The Talmud tells us that Israel prospered from the time of King
David, 1000 BCE until 586 BCE when it was defeated, the First
Temple was destroyed and its residents were taken into captivity
in Babylon. What precipitated the decline was, according to the
stories, man's inhumanity to man, selfishness, greed, lack of
compassion, and groundless hatred.

Is there a lesson here for the great but faltering USA? As we
look at the disgusting course of a national healthcare program
through the halls of our government, have we heard the question
asked: Am I my brothers keeper? as a criterion for the leaders
who are addressing this question? I have not. Nor has the
Almighty. We have seen what happened to ancient Israel,
ancient Rome, ancient Greece; I don't think He has changed
the rules. Can we expect a similar outcome? Can this be the
link between our shameful lack of concern for our fellowman
and our self-destructing economy, destruction directly related
to greed and self-interest. Democracy is still a great experiment;
not all experiments succeed. Those who profess to be working
for a great religious cause had better go back to their books and
relate their actions to those teachings; there seems to be a great
disconnect. Their fiddles are woefully out of tune.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Radical Islamists and Radical Republicans: partners

Dick Cheney,Karl Rove, George H.W.Bush and the radical Republican right are the best tools of the Radical Islamists who's goal it is to bring our great nation to its knees. The radical right Republicans have succeeded in distrupting andundermining the process of government in a way that must please the hearts of our enemies and detractors world wide. They see their work being done for them without one bomb, one suicide bomber or one act of mass destruction since theWorld Trade Center catastrophe. Have we no mechanismin our great nation by which we can recognize and holdaccountable those who's skulduggery, obfuscation andlying have negated hundreds of years of sacrifice and hardwork which built our republic? The Republican right hastaken an axe and a long saw to the very foundations ofour political and economic structure. In reality, they have become the suicide bombers of the Jihadists since they are bringing destruction down on our nation including themselves. And they have used the very tools which created it to attempt to destroy it: free speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, pursuit of happiness and respect for free will. Using the tools available to us, including every legal and journalistic devise, we can and must repel this attack and hold accountable those who are really aiding and abetting our enemies.

There is no difference between the politicians, broadcasters and writers who have corrupted our democratic processes to bring down our nation and those against whom Homeland Secruity is working. Indeed, Homeland Secruity officials should recognize the threat posed by the Jihadist's allies within our borders and call them to task. The Republican goons who have disrupted polling recount offices and who have undermined our Supreme Court have meticulously designed and implemented battle plans to bring down this country. No foreign force could have ever been so tenacious and successful in doing this. The number of victims of 9/11 has been doubled by the partners of its perpetrators who we allow to operate freely and without restraint. Their goals are the same. Mindless and irrational destruction of our great nation. And both in the cause of their respective ideas of religious expression. And, in this nation, the additional element of economic selfishness and greed.