Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Outer Space As Protected Wilderness Area

TO: The Editor, Discover Magazine

Your story "Can we survive on the moon" assumes we have the right to try.
Just because we can do something does not make it right. No one is asking
the question "Is it right to use space as we damn well please?" Do we have
the right to destroy and contaminate any celestial body just because we can?
Just because we are Americans and "Can Do!" anything? Anything except
take the time to think about what we are doing. We have no right to tear
up or disturb the moon or any other celestial body or to use any of its
minerals or resources for our own ends. All celestial bodies should
be left alone!

Space should be considered a protected wilderness area. Our universe has
existed for over 13 billion years and now, because we can, we think we
have the right to run over it like an ATVer through a protected national

It is selfish, juvenile, immature and irresponsible to charge ahead with
thinking and planning which will result in the contamination and destruction
of celestial bodies and space. NASA is so careful about not taking Earth germs
and diseases into space. Where is the concern about taking wrong headed
thinking and mayhem there? There must be an international treaty banning
the contamination and destruction which NASA and related agencies are
planning. The U.S.A. will really be the scourge of this planet when mature
and sensible people here and around the world realize the irreversible
destruction we have caused. But if we cannot support a treaty not to screw
up this planet, what chance is there of our supporting one
not to destroy the universe?

1 comment:

kargold said...

Don't know if you heard that one wing of the space shuttle was damaged when it was hit by something in space. Probably some crap that we left up there, some junk, some flotsam that we, in our arrogance, tossed "out the window" because we could.