Monday, June 4, 2007

Thoughts On June 3 debate

The format for the debate was not good. Wolf Blitzer was too involved. Too much time spent on Irag; almost the
first 35 minutes. I'm not sure anyone heard enough new information to form an opinion on any one candidate.
Governor Richardson made his points well and drew on his experience and accomplishments to offer considered
responses. I still think he is the most experienced, capable person running. If you had to set a
training course to prepare one for the White House, you would be hard pressed to find a better path than he
has followed. He does not need on-the-job training; he's there. Twelve years in Congress, two terms as
Governor of New Mexico and Clinton's envoy to the middle east. Tell your friends. He's the only Democrat
who can win in 2008. We can't afford to send up another McGovern.

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