Sunday, July 1, 2007

Republican Goons - Editorial Published Nov, 2000

It is interesting to look back almost eight years to this letter I sent to the Editor of the Miami Herald which was published.
Sad to say, the predictions were more than fulfilled, and we are not yet finished with this scourge. Bush, Cheney, Rove
and Baker have completed a coup and replaced our Democracy with a Totalitarian State. When will the current Democratic
candidates take off the gloves and state this. A TOTALITARIAN STATE! A COUP! THESE FOUR GUYS ARE IT! THEY RUN
THE GOVERNMENT! IT MUST BE SAID OUT LOUD! Read this from eight years ago:

I was an observer for the Democrats on Wednesday morning Nov. 22 at Government Center when the Republicans unleashed their venom on an innocent Democratic Party official accusing him of stealing what turned out
to be a sample ballot. These goons apparently succeeded in intimidating the
canvassing board into canceling any recount. So much for their commitment to upholding the edict of the Florida Supreme Court and for their concern for the voice of the people of Miami-Dade County. The, strong-armed conniving and mean spiritedness of the Republicans in sending in these thugs and the obfuscation of James Baker and of the governor of Montana foretells the tenure of the, next four years under a Republican administration. Big business will have a field day while the rest of us lose control over those elements that affect our daily lives. No wonder those who look ahead see fascism rising followed by anarchy of those who feel disfranchised. All we can count on from Bush is a commitment to the values of conservatism, protectionism and cultural atrophy. the price of liberty is eternal vigilance and, boy, will we have to keep our eyes open for the next four years if we lose this fight.

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