Wednesday, September 10, 2008



Return of coat hanger, back alley abortions if Roe vs Wade is overturned 

Put the mayor of a town of 6,000 people, who has really never been out of the country, a heartbeat away from the most powerful  position on the planet 

End of meaningful, life saving stem cell research which would save and extend the lives of diabetics and  cancer victims, prevent or correct birth defects and help many others with debilitating illnesses 

Continued deepening of our $8 Trillion national dept which will not be paid off for many generations and is being financed by foreign governments

Republicans and Military on John McCain: He will make Cheney look like Gandhi.

No real commitment to affordable health care for every American

Continuation of sending jobs overseas by short sighted, selfish businessmen 

Four more years of Karl Rove giving him a chance to complete his totalitarian government takeover. 

Continuation of big business’s purchase of our nation through obscene campaign contributions and the influence of lobbyists 

Continuation of big oil’s domination of our economy 

No meaningful effort to end global warming, clean up our environment or reverse the pollution of our rivers, lakes and streams 

No meaningful effort toward use of alternative energies like wind and solar power 

Continuation of using military force instead of diplomacy to solve world problems.

A president who will use a telegraph key instead of a mouse, a Model T instead of a hybrid 

Social Security privatized into the care of Wall Street

A totally conservative Supreme Court at the service of the president 

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