Sunday, July 12, 2009

NYTimes Comment

Regarding Clean Water project in Africa:

Clean, Sexy Water

Published: July 11, 2009

People always ask: What can I do to make a difference?

"Mr. Scott Harrison founded Mercy Ships, a Christian aid group that performs surgeries in poor countries with volunteer doctors."

Not only is this good charity, it is good economics for the U.S.A. Since the first world is built out, any new future economic growth will occur in the undeveloped and emerging nations. By carrying the flag in this way, Mr.Harrison is assuring that we, the U.S.A., will have a leg up on the future economc development in those nations. I hope the recipients of the water know what nation it came from. It does not diminish his work to be laying the groundwork for the economc recovery of this nation. In this case, charity does begin, and end, at home

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