Monday, October 12, 2009

In Test of Water on Moon, Craft Hits Bull’s-Eye - NYTimes Oct 12, 2009- Letter To The Editor

By what right does NASA disturb and deface any part of the universe?
All other planetary bodies should be classified as pristine wilderness
protected by international agreement. As with parks which we
have set aside for preservation, we should be able to visit them, but
be required to leave them as we found them. We have no right to
exploit or use the natural resources and elements of planets,
moons, comets or any other natural body in this or any other galaxy.
Just because you can do something does not mean it should be done.
Blasting a part of the moon in this way is unforgivable. What if every
nation that can do something like this did? Passive and minimal sampling
techniques should be the rule; not desecration and destruction. Have we
lost all sense of value and responsibility for the consequences of our actions?

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