Saturday, December 12, 2009

Message for Tiger Woods/NY Times post

As a registered mental health counselor it is distressing to see how quickly many people judge and reject others when their behavior only reflects inner conflict and need for resolution. We like to think that we have full control over our actions but we do not. The challenge for each of us is to recognize, understand and manage internal and pre-programmed demands and criteria which are controlling our goals, judgement, behavior and interaction with others. Professional therapists can help. Tiger, please find one. If you do, it is recommended not to make any life changes until you have made some progress in therapy. Don't divorce. Wait. You can and most likely will make progress in therapy and be able to change your behavior. Give up a little ego now and you will get your wife, your family and your self-respect and the respect of others back. We are not divine or infallible, even with a billion dollars.

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